Scripts and texts that have been produced or is in the making

RABIES, novel (genre urban fantasy/horror) 2016 (ongoing, part 1 of 3)

Tunn is / Thin ice, short film 2021 (through Valand Academy) 

Älskade familj / Dear family, short film 2019 

Det landar båtar vid vår strand, play 2016 (in collaboration with Spångs Orkester) WATCH trailer

Gråskalan, play 2016 (in collaboration with Spångs Orkester) WATCH utdrag

Under tiden sover dom andra, play 2015 (dramatization of older texts) WATCH excerpt

Molekyler / Molecules short film 2015 (final selection in Novellfilmssatsningen)

10 pieces of Maja, short film 2013 WATCH film

Vill du ha barn?, short film 2013

Rätt ord / What's the word?, short film 2012

Jag har inte tid just nu, play 2014 (final selection in the writing competition Nytext) WATCH excerpt

Kaffetjejen / Coffee girl, short film 2011 ( Avid technical award) WATCH film

Fusion - insekter och torrsim, play 2011 (dramatization of Clair Castillon's novel The Insect)

Sugar, Silence, Rain and Mittens, short film 2010 (2:nd prize Yellowbird best short film) WATCH film

Moby Dick, play 2010 (dramatization of Herman Melville's novel Moby Dick)

Zirkus Nikotinn, play 2008

Brevet / The letter, Short film 2006